Ever get a spam of “5555555555555” from your Thai friend, or someone who speaks Thai? Have you figured out what it means? This blog will explore how to use “55555” in Thai Language and when you should use it.
What does ‘555’ mean in Thai?
- 5 (five) in Thai language is pronounced as “ha” . Hence, “55555” in Thai language is simply ‘hahahahahaha’ 😂😂😂
- This is really useful when you are too lazy to type “hahahaha”. All you need to do is to jam your finger on the no. 5 keyboard and viola! Your spam laughter reply is sent~
Interested to learn the Thai Language? Here’s what you can explore!

Practice your Thai speaking skills and learn how to use Thai language to express everyday small talk.

A serious Thai learner aiming to master Thai reading and writing? Start off by learning to text in Thai!

Go for regular Thai classes. Use your SkillsFuture credits to offset your Thai Language course fees!
How to use “555” in Thai Language?
There is no rule as to how many “5”s you can or should use. You can use “55555555555555555555555” as I always do when I jam my finger on the no. 5 keyboard. Some people just stick to “555” – it’s a matter of personal preference.
If you want to emphasize a loud and rancorous laughter, you can spam more “5”s .
For those who are familiar with the Indonesian language, “55555” is used similarly to Indonesian “wkwkwkwkwk” which also means “hahahahaha”.

When to use “555” in Thai Language?
“55555” is an internet slang for Thai people. It is not for conversations in Thai but most commonly used in texting and on social media. If you use start typing “55555”, it shows that you have some understanding of the Thai language and culture. Welcome to the club! 😎
However, note that in the Chinese language, the digit “5” is “wu”, which is the sound of crying . So for the Chinese, “55555” will sound like “wuwuwuwuwu …”. In this context, “55555” is mostly used by the Chinese to show delightful pity, contrary to laughter as per the Thai language.
Hence, be careful where you start spamming “55555” as a laughing response to your friend or on social media! Make sure that the target audience is either Thai, or someone who has learnt Thai, or you will cause more confusion than necessary.
Get help with learning to read, write and text in Thai today! 🥰
About the author – see the About page for more information
Joanne Tan is an aspiring polyglot and has so far mastered English, Chinese and Thai languages. She first started learning Thai in 2015 before staying in Bangkok for 5 months, and then continued studying Thai up to Advanced Levels at the National University of Singapore. In 2017, Joanne was awarded ‘Advanced Thai Proficiency’ by the Sirindhorn Thai Language Institute of Chulalongkorn University. Today, Joanne freelances as a Thai teacher in Singapore and helps her Thai friends actively promote Thai culture.